Jobs and Careers

PV évaluation des candidatures pour la sélection du Président et des membres de la Commission de Passations des Marchés Publics de l’ANARPAM

Announcement of the closing of applications for the recruitment of ANARPAM

ANARPAM thanks the candidates who are interested in the recruitment it has launched since January 08, 2021 and informs them that  the period for submitting applications is closed on February 21, 2021 at 11:59 p.m., as it was foreseen. We are currently in the CV review phase and the evaluation process is driven by independent and professional experts in the jobs to be filled. Shortlisted candidates will be asked to upload to the portal:


  • Diplomas and certificates obtained;
  • Work certificates for the experiences mentioned in their application form;
  • A declaration of non-employment by a third party, in particular the civil service in Mauritania. For candidates with a current employment contract, other than with the civil service in Mauritania, they must undertake to terminate it if they are selected.
  • Identity document (national identity card or passport);
  • A medical certificate dating from less than 3 months before the deadline for submitting applications (mentioned above);
  • A medical certificate dating from less than 3 months before the deadline for submitting applications (mentioned above);


The presentation of an incomplete file may lead to the rejection of the application. ANARPAM wishes good luck to the candidates who will be selected at the end of the selection of files for the written and/or oral tests/interviews. As she also wishes good luck to those not selected. 

République Islamique de Mauritanie

Ministère du Pétrole, des Mines et de l’Energie

L’ANARPAM est un établissement public à caractère industriel et commercial (EPIC) sous la tutelle du Ministère du Pétrole, des Mines et de l’Energie.

Copyright @ 2021 All rights reserved – Design and development by ANARPAM